how it all started.

From family & friends, to over twenty retailers stretching North America- this is where it all began.

It was 2020, and I was in the trenches of working in my healthcare career during the heat of the pandemic. Between balancing the stress of being a frontline worker, and being a mother of two- life was feeling pretty heavy. I stumbled upon finger-knitting as my saving grace—an outlet to channel my stress and anxiety. I poured my heart into the craft of chunky, hand-knit blankets and was able to finally feel some sense of normalcy within the chaos. That Christmas, I completed my first blanket as a gift for my mom, and she fell head over heels. Friends and family soon followed, asking for their own. And just like that, in January 2021, Nicnakknits was born.  

That year, I decided to dip my toes into the local market scene. I set up shop at nearby markets, eager to introduce myself and my blankets to the community. The feedback was heartwarming, with customers raving about the snuggly bliss my blankets brought to their lives (even their furry friends agreed!). I seized every opportunity to attend as many markets as possible, with big dreams of having my blankets known far and wide.  

Then came 2022, the year of stepping out of my comfort zone. I took a leap and applied for the Toronto One of a Kind Show. When I received the incredible news that I'd been accepted as an exhibitor, I was over the moon with excitement and started preparing blankets at warp speed. Although I had no idea what to expect from the show, I went in with full of hope, and dreams of success. By the show's end, I was completely sold out. I was utterly floored. In just eleven days, my life had turned upside down. This is the moment that it really hit me—this could be my calling, a career that I genuinely adored. 

And just like that, I did it. I bid farewell to my healthcare job and wholeheartedly embraced my business. It still feels surreal, like a dream come true. Fast forward two incredible years, and this is just the beginning for me. I look forward to the future of Nicnakknits and wherever this beautiful journey takes me next.